Radiography Caliper
Circle Foam: Positioning Foam circle with a 200mm diameter and 50mm deep. (Raw or covered in Dartex or Vinyl).
Small Foam Wedge: 210mm Positioning long foam wedge with a triangular face at each end 75x75x10mm. (Raw or covered in Dartex or Vinyl).
Positioning Foam: 15° Wedge, right angled triangle foam wedge with a square 250x250x50mm base. (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl or Sealed).
Positioning Foam: 250mm long, 90° foam wedge with a triangular face at each end 250x180x180mm. (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl or Sealed)
Foam long 90°wedge with a triangular face at each end 900x180x180mm. (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl or Sealed)
Thin Block: 250x200mm rectangular foam block, 50mm in depth. (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl or Sealed)
Positioning Foam: 600mm long foam 90° wedge with a 2 triangular faces at the ends 180x180x250mm. (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl or Sealed).
Positioning Foam long 60° wedge
900x250x180mm/p (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl and/or Sealed).
Positioning Foam long 60° wedge
900x250x180mm/p (Raw or covered in Dartex, Vinyl and/or Sealed).
Positioning Foam Arthrogram 450x295x300mm. Raw
Set of Mixed Foams
Positioning Foams: Foam wedges and blocks are a key component to creating high-quality radiographs.
Variety of shapes and sizes available, or design your own. Set available for only $89.00 ex Gst – Receive the most commonly used.
Materials include:
- Raw
- Stitched in Vinyl
- Stitched in Dartex
- Heat sealed in Dartex
Positioning Foams: Foam wedges and blocks are a key component to creating high-quality radiographs.
Variety of shapes and sizes available, or design your own. Set available for only $89.00 ex Gst – Receive the most commonly used –as show in the picture below.
Materials include:
- Raw
- Stitched in Vinyl
- Stitched in Dartex
- Heat sealed in Dartex
Positioning Foams: Foam wedges and blocks are a key component to creating high-quality radiographs.
Variety of shapes and sizes available, or design your own. Set available for only $89.00 ex Gst – Receive the most commonly used –as show in the picture below.
Materials include:
- Raw
- Stitched in Vinyl
- Stitched in Dartex
- Heat sealed in Dartex
Positioning Foam: Intercondylar Notch
Positioning Foam: Intercondylar Notch